Monday, October 19, 2009

NZ Part 13 - Dunedin

dunedin is pretty charming, with several conserved buildings, a feeling that time stood still or passed by very slowly.

the town centre is located at the Octagon, which is a misleading name, cos silly tourists like me go looking for a octagonal-shape plaza, not knowing that it is formed by roads and there really is no sense of octagon spatially.

to identify the town centre, the easier thing to do is look for the conserved gothic building, St Paul's Anglican Cathedral. next door, on the right, is the Municipal Chambers, trying to squeeze into the picture. Once you find this, it will be easy to spot the Visitors Centre, which is near by.

we had a few hours to spend in dunedin and decided to check out the botanic gardens.

some phallic-looking cactuses.

close-up cactus.

greenhouse where all the cactuses are grown.

many native grey ducks 'Parera' at the pond. has a nice blue feather under his wing.


very cute maori boy,

on his very cute bike

another interesting characteristic of dunedin - some streets and houses are built on very steep slopes. the hostel we stayed in, Dunedin Next Stop Hostel, was on one such slopes.

love the murals on the wall.

random shot of random view


Blogger chuplin said...

Part 13??

Does it mean I would be lucky to see your Nov Japan trip by 2011?

12:40 AM  

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